Sunday, September 14, 2008

Martinez Family Update

So much time has passed since I last blogged so I have LOTS to update y'all on. I say y'all like anyone looks at this; I really don't think they do but it sure is a good outlet for my thoughts. So here I am after this long break.

The biggest change in our life is that we are FINALLY back in San Antonio! What a shocker!! We found out in March that we had two weeks to pack up our house, head to San Antonio and find a house. Thanks to a really great realtor and a little help from upstairs we did it. So we happily rented out our house in Harlingen and became the proud renters of a quaint little house in a really nice neighborhood in SA. We are really glad to be back. After five years of not having help with the kids and not having a babysitter we are enjoying it. It's also nice to get to see my family and our friends so much.

This was Preston's last summer before starting kindergarten so we tried to make the most of it and did a lot: we went to Sea World, Fiesta Texas, The Children's Museum in SA and New Braunfels, we went to several pool parties and had lots of play dates. My good friend Denise and her daughter Ashton came to visit and so did Troy's parents. Troy adjusted well at work and is happy with his accounts here. I finished my Spring semester of school, took Summer I and intended to go this fall until deciding that I should wait and help Preston and the girls adjust to him being gone. Although I do have to mention it was me crying on his first day, not him so I'm not sure who really needed the help adjusting. He turned 5 in May and is just the most handsome little thing; he can melt my heart with just one crooked little smile of his. He did Karate this summer and did well (took first place in his tournament) and we were going to put him in Baseball this fall but decided to wait until Spring. Bellarose is as honoary (sp?)as can be. She started tumbling in May and loves it, and started ballet two weeks ago and loves it even more. She is the most girly girl you will see and when I went to get her ballet outfits I'd pick something out and she would look at me with such and her most serious face inform me that the outfits I picked out were not nearly fuffy enough for her.Gracieann is 20 months now and is walking and talking a mile a minute. She loves her Bubba and Sissy and keeps busy trying to keep up with them.

In other news, I have had this creative itch for a while now and recently bought a sewing machine. I've begun sewing Pillowcase dresses. Quite the hot item right now on ebay. I've also started trying to make boutique overalls and a few other items and I am going to try and sell them on ebay and etsy. If your interested in seeing any of it my ebay site is: My etsy site is: If you haven't guessed I'm calling my little business Bella's Grace. I don't have much up yet but will in the weeks to come.

Well enough about the past we have a busy few months coming up: Troy's birthday is coming up, so is Bellarose's, We are having a Halloween party for the kids and my family is having a family reunion so we have a lot to look forward to.

Well I guess this is enough for now; Until next time.

*** Okay so there are tons of pictures in no particular order but they are of our Summer and Preston's first day of school. ***

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